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One Plan.

Always Covered.

Our health insurance programs are committed to transforming the health of the community one individual at a time.

Introducing Oklahoma Complete Health - Your Partner for Success

Oklahoma Complete Health is excited to announce that we were selected by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) to administer the state’s Medicaid Managed Care Program, SoonerSelect and the SoonerSelect Children's Specialty Program for youth with foster care or juvenile justice involvement. This new program seeks to advance high-value care, improve population health, engage and support providers, and establish a sustainable program with predictable costs. The goal is to improve the health of those who live in Oklahoma by building an innovative system of care that focuses on both medical and non-medical drivers of health.

Oklahoma Complete Health is committed to improving the lives of those who live in Oklahoma by building an innovative system of care that focuses on both medical and non-medical drivers of health.

Last Updated: 02/21/2025